Monday, October 20, 2008

I’m Hungry for More!

The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, is by far the greatest book I’ve ever read. Yes, even better than my Twilight series. It’s painful to say, but true. I read it in less than a day. The Hunger Games pulls you in and refuses to let your heart and mind go astray!

As the novel starts, you meet the heroine, Katniss, and learn of her unending love and determination, particularly for her younger sister, Nim, whose place she takes when Prim’s name gets drawn as the chosen girl from their district for the Hunger Games. I’m not going to tell you anything else other than The Games begin and you can’t stop reading. Once you start this book, you won’t be able to put it down! You read on to see if Katniss lives or dies. The descriptive way Collins writes is brilliant, and makes you feel as though you’re in the Games yourself, right next to Katniss, using strategy and panic to survive.

And the BEST part of it being my FAVORITE book? It’s a trilogy! I highly recommend you read it. God knows I’ll be reading it over and over gain. Sadly, Catching Fire, the next book in the trilogy doesn’t come out until September 2009.

Have a great week!


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