-Robert Pattinson as Edward. The first classroom scene was beyond perfect. His repulsive manner towards Bella was head on. His look, teeth, skin, everything was totally convincing, except for his red lips?

-Scenic depiction of Forks, WA and Phoenix, AZ
-The Cullen Family – I wanted more of them! Alice was the best replication of the literary Alice. They should all be developed more in the next one.

-Bella’s dad – BEST actor in my opinion. Bella’s mom did pretty well, too!
-The baseball game, what fun!
-Bella and Edward’s bed snuggle ;) Too bad there wasn’t more kissing.
-The eyes of the vegetarian vampires.
-Alice's bloodthurst at the end.
-Forks’ prom, loved the slow dance of Bella and Edward at the end.
-The unexpected humor the movie brought out from the book. Guess things ARE funnier when you’re not READING it but SEEING it. HA!
-Bella’s clumsiness. Thank GOD they portrayed this! Loved the fall outside her house, too, ha!
-The apple catch, looks like the book cover! DUH Cheryl.
-THE CLIFFHANGER. Victoria was perfect. Cannot WAIT until the next one… in 2010 :(

-Kristen Stewart as Bella. Yes, she looked the part to a T in my mind, but when she opened her mouth, she didn’t ACT like the real Bella. She was too awkward and stutter-ful to play Bella. Kristen pulled off the unenthusiastic part about Bella, but not the crazed, love-struck Bella we read of in the book. She had SOME good scenes, but lacked in the most important ones. Please read all the books next time you agree to play a literary character, Kristen.
-Bella’s art of NOT cooking. Hello! Why wasn’t it written in the script for her to COOK?
-Bella’s narration. Her unsure voice didn’t sound good as a voice over.
-Not enough BLOOD. James and his clan didn’t look that scary at all. They should have showed more biting and blood when they were feeding throughout the movie.
-Edward sparkling. I needed some hard core RAYS coming out of him!
-Jacob: not sure how or if he’s going to get BIGGER for the New Moon sequel?? Because he’ll need to.
-Why didn’t Alice and Jasper stress about their sun exposure in Phoenix? Weird.
-Where was the bonding of Alice and Bella?
Overall, I was THRILLED they made a movie of Twilight! I really enjoyed it! Not as good as the book of course, but as good as they can get it with 2 hours to work with and a low budget. I hope for the next one they can spend a little bit more money. And please, Kristen, show some more emotion and don’t hesitate so much in your delivery. Bella was shrill at times, and so can you, but without the stuttering. I think they’ll definitely put together an even better movie for the second one, knowing they’ll take all the feedback they can to ensure another successful release!
I’m sure I’ll go see it again (and drag Tayler along with me). Have a great week, and go see Twilight! Robert is worth it!
I agree with you 100% Cheryl!!! I knew she was going to make a horrible Bella, but I tried to be open minded. However, she proved me right. She was reaaaallllyyyy bad. She flatlined all of her lines. I agree that she really needed to read the book. Bella thought of herself as plain, but through the story and her interaction with others, it is clear she is a special girl that does have a bit of a quirky personality with a dry sense of humor. She's not dead on the inside like Kriten portrayed her. I especially hated how horrible her acting was at the end in the hospital when Edward said they shouldn't be together. Ugh... she was beyond bad!!! But Edward was awesome. Robert is such a good actor!! He really transformed into Edward... and I loved his red lips!! But I'm totally ready to see it again, so whenever you're available let me know and I will see it again!! :) Love you! ~Heather
I agree with ALMOST everything except for the Jacob part. I LOVE Taylor Lautner and don't really care if he's a little shorter than he should be. (Okay, a lot shorter.) lol. But that's just me. =)
I'm glad we got to see it together. It was fun! By the way, Twilight the DVD is coming out on March 21st!
It seems like such a long time from now...
We should watch it together again when we get it. =)
Love ya Sister!
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