Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hyundai, Finally a Competitor

Saw some innovative offers lately from Hyundai and was very impressed.

Have any of you seen their ‘Assurance’ campaign? If not, here is their offer:

For a limited time, if you lose your income, we’ll pay your payments for 3 months. If that’s not enough time to work things out, you can still bring it back. Between 2/23 and 3/2 get great deals on any car in our full line of Hyundais. 10 year/100,000 mile power train warranty.

WOW! Now THERE'S an offer I've never heard before. And we’re talking a CAR here. Not just some pair of shoes that ended up not fitting you right. You can return your vehicle if you lose your job, or they’ll help you along until you get back on your feet by paying your car payments for 3 months. Sure, that interest will be a pain to look at later, but with this economy, this is JUST the kind of message consumers want to hear. Hyundai definitely stands ahead of any other major vehicle brand to me right now. AMAZING offer and strategy to build a rapport with consumers.

Check out their latest commercial that ran during Super Bowl. So effective! I have to find out who their ad agency is.

If you’re in the market for a new vehicle, consider Hyundai… they got your back.


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