Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer is Flyin' By!

So far this summer:

Pam's Birthday - June 18: Dinner @ Oregano's with the FAMs.

Rob's Birthday - June 21: Party at our house with friends & FAM. Rob got a ping-pong table from me and my family... lot's of fun!

Pictures by Teri Maryniak and Pamsy.

Rob's new truck - July 16:

Josh and Tiffany came out from WA for a couple days while on their road trip:

On July 25th, Rob and I are going to arena for American Idol try-outs. Please pray for Rob! He'll be singing his heart out!♥

Lots more fun still to come this Summer... I can't believe it's almost August already. Where do the days go?!

With more love,
C & R


Brianne said...

I know what you mean. Summer is going by way too fast. =(

Hope Rob sings his heart out at the auditions.
Remember to go to the site:
for intructions on registration and what not.

Love ya!
Can't wait for Mamma Mia this Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots of special occasions! Please extend my belated B-Day wishes to your Sis, Pamela! I had no idea her B-Day was so close to Rob's!

And thank you for the "shout-out" on my photos, Cheryl. :-)

Looking forward to August 16th. I still haven't mailed the invitations out to your folks and Pamela & Gabe. Doing today. Please heads-up them, that we would like them to come over 5:30-ish (give or take a few, whenever is convenient)PM August 16th for a BBQ to celebrate Margie's Birthday.

Randy is picking her up when he gets off of work, and bringing her over. If anyone wants to cool off in the pool, bring swim-wear.

I really want to make this special for Marge. She has been such a wonderful grandmother to Rob and the kids, and we feel blessed that she is here in AZ. to see them and be part of their lives on a regular basis.

Looking forward to seeing you and Rob! Feel like it's been ages since we have had the opportunity to visit.

Love you both!

PS. I know your B-Day is around mine and Riley's, but don't remember the exact date. I'd like to put it on my Facebook social calendar, if I may. Do you have Facebook?

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