Saturday, February 28, 2009

Going Through the Motions

I cannot BELIEVE it’s already March. Our 1-year anniversary is a little over a week away! 2009 has been pretty good so far. Busy, but good.

What have we been up to, you ask? LOTS.

You'll find me

- At work…

- Reading Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum novels LIKE CRAZY. They are the most hilarious, sexy and suspenseful books I’ve ever read. And I’m talking laugh out loud funny! I highly recommend you pick them up. Joe Morelli is worth it, and Ranger, too.

- Watching HEROES. I’m hooked, as of right now. I heard it gets pretty complicated so we’ll see. Peter is the coolest. LOST is next on my DVD marathon list.

- Listening to the Confessions of a Shopaholic soundtrack. Makes you wanna dance your little tush off… and shop.

- Doing PR stuff for Gilbert Toastmasters. By the way, our blog is pretty awesome. Check it out here. Oh, and if you’re interested in Improv and improving your communication skills, come to our April 2nd meeting for a special workshop with the Light Rail Pirates.

- Not pet-sitting. No one is going on vacation, so no weekend work for CHERYL

- At Body Pump with my sister or running w/Dani

- Wishing I was at John Henry’s with Heather again drinking an Inhibition martini

- Snuggling w/Robby

- Cleaning

- Thinking about going back to school for English & Creative Writing

You’ll find Rob:

- At Banner… bright and early! He’ll soon be working 12s on the weekends

- At school or studying for school at home. So proud!

- Playing basketball

- Eating cereal

- Washing his scrubs

- Snuggling with Cheryl

- Sleeping

- Saying "Hiro!"

- Eating’t he simple?

My Uncle Mike (my dad’s twin) surprised us with a visit! Was wonderful seeing him and catching some rays with him. Love you, Uncle Mike! Hard to believe what a health nut you are now. Good for you!

What have you all been up to?


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