Monday, January 19, 2009

New Job for Rob (hey, that rhymes!)

We’ve got some great news! Rob was offered a transporter position (not like the movie, but transporting patients within the hospital) at Banner Baywood in Mesa (by my parent’s house)! He started today with shadowing another transporter, and will officially start next Monday. We’re so excited! This “foot in the door” will be absolutely great for when he’s done with school and can apply for an RN position at Banner. We’re hoping with the wait, he’ll be an RN in a year and a half. In the meantime, he can float around and get to understand everything there is about hospital life.

Congratulations my love!


Erin and Donny said...

That sounds so great!! Congrats to you guys both on Rob's new job!!

Love, Erin Grace

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